Japanese Interest Rates
Japan for long was a low interest market, serving as a source for low interest loans for Japanese funds. These huge funds kept on using "carry in" trade strategy where they borrowed funds at low rates and then invested it overseas in markets where the return is high (Emerging markets). About a month ago when the Japanese increased the interest rates, it was expected that the Yen would start appreciating and most probably accompanied by flight of funds from the Emerging markets.In the past few weeks close to $4-5 billion was taken out by the top Japanese funds. Out of this more than $1 billion was sold off from the Indian market. And about $5 billion from Emerging market excluding Asia (Brazil, Russia etc.)
Morgan Stanley had earlier predicted that there would be a huge flight of foreign funds from the Indian markets. It is clear that Indian markets are having the most impact from the global market. But long term optimism is still there; few days ago one of the Japanese Bank announced close to $1 billion for Indian dedicated fund. This clearly shows that long term optimism is still intact for the Indian markets.